
Making fire fighting system for fixed and mobile pressure vessels :

Due to rapid evaporation, liquid gas is more hazardous than solid in terms of ease of ignition and ignition continuity; if released in the environment, the area of ​​contact with the air makes it more flammable, so the most important action in dealing with Fire, preventing it from flowing or expanding.
To shut it off in case of fire in large fuel tanks If the liquid inside the tank ignites, it must first cool the body of the tank, then fire to prevent flame reversal.
The best option to turn off these fires is to cool down. Usually water is used that has good cooling power and is very cheap. In this method, the water absorbs the heat and reduces its degree to below the ignition temperature. It should be noted that due to the high temperature of the fire (above 400 degrees Celsius), the amount of water sprayed is rapidly converted to steam, so the amount of water used should be abundant and proportional to the extent of the fire. In addition, even 100 ° boiling water can be used to shut off the fire!